I really like this piece. A few of us have written in response to Louise, and each of us has taken similar yet divergent paths. kol hakavod.

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Sep 24Liked by Melinda Jones

Melinda - an excellent piece which really goes to the heart of the issue. Unfortunately, no-one whose heart is so infused with Jew hatred and vitriol will ever be influenced by anything you, I anyone else says or writes.

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It’s helpful to be able to frame our thoughts so that we can aim for conversation rather than arguments for the sake of argument.

You’ve managed to respond rationally, more than some of us have managed.

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Sep 26Liked by Melinda Jones

Melinda, thank you. Such a well thought out piece. Strong, logical but without being angry.

Nina Bassat

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Sep 26Liked by Melinda Jones

A beautiful riposte

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